Wednesday, April 9, 2008


In composition pedagogy, we talk a lot about "collaboration" and "collaborative learning." Would it be possible to harness "collective intelligence" in the composition classroom? One of the problems with this is that there is no inherent "problem" to "solve" as a group.

This blog talks about, among other things, Collective Intelligence and Facebook. This blog has a post about Pedagogy for Collective Intelligence.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hi, Marla:

Here is a quotation from Nakamura (remember her?!?) that discusses identity in terms of a process. It relates to what you were discussing in an earlier post about Facebook in your classroom:

“These exuberantly informational and richly multimediated images of identity exemplify a visual style created to signify identities in process, literally often in transition between the social and bodily states of ‘woman’ and ‘mother’ that cannot be integrated into one sign or signature”(154).

I am working on Facebook for this class, and I was intrigued by the ways that it can often get misread or misunderstood, even by its proponents (Danah Boyd, etc).

So, then, how can we learn from, and with, Facebook, especially if it constitutes a process of becoming aware, or a process of representation? :)