Friday, January 25, 2008

Imagine a world...

How often in a grad class have I been asked, "What sort of world do you want to live in?" One time, counting last night.

But I think this question underpins the work I do in most of my classes, the undergrad ones I teach as well as the grad ones I take. Or at least, I hope it does. I would like to make this question, and my ever-evolving answers, a more conscious part of both my academic and personal lives. (And yes, I would like to live in a world where I can write "life" at the end of that sentence.)

What do I want to remember from today's class? That both writing and digitality (hmmm, my digital spellchecker doesn't like that word) are factors in creating the world I want to live in. Of course, after the interconnectedness-of-everything lesson we learned last night, I suppose everything is related to producing the world I want--or don't want--to live in. But for now, it will be enough to spend the semester contemplating the role of writing and digitality in the world I live in and the world I want to live in.  If I'm going to be a good epistemic rhetorician, I need to point out here that my ideas of "the world I want to live in" are in large part shaped by writing and language. I cannot separate them or draw a linear model of what influences what--interconnectedness, remember?

I also want to remember not to sit in front of the projector because looking back at Anne, or whoever is speaking, through/towards the lamp gives me a headache. And considering I've flushed my expensive liver-destroying migraine meds down the toilet (on purpose), that's something I would like to avoid. Maybe in Second Life there are no migraines.... Now that's a world I want to live in!

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